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Our brains need attention

By March 10, 2014March 27th, 2024No Comments

I  recently had the opportunity to discuss the fact that “Our brains need attention” at a TEDXUniMelb event.

I was a little distracted though: whilst talking about distractions someone’s mobile phone went off. As Alanis Morrissette would have said “How ironic!”

It was a fabulous experience and I would highly recommend anyone who has an idea to share with the world to take it to the TED stage.

Here is the video, distracting mobile and all.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gcPX_sjv-cQ?feature=oembed&wmode=opaque&enablejsapi=1]

Dr Jenny Brockis

Dr Jenny Brockis is a Board-Certified Lifestyle Medicine Physician, workplace health and wellbeing consultant, author, speaker and coach. Her latest book, The Natural Advantage (Major Street Publishing) is available at all major bookstores and online. Doors open soon for her new coaching program.

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