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How well are you working?

Are you confident you have everything under control, just the way it should be with thoughts, tasks and ideas moving full steam ahead?

If so, fantastic. If not, then why?

In order to work well, we have to feel well.

Many workplaces now encourage staff to stay well through workplace health programs. Lunchtime yoga, Pilates classes, reduced fee gym memberships and lunch n’ learn sessions on health topics are great, but are they effective and is it enough?

I read one article recently that reported how one company had brought in some goats to keep down the grass in the grounds outside as part of their wellness program. Maybe the idea is that a tranquil image of a munching goat is supposed to be relaxing! Who knows, but someone thought it was a good idea and got it accepted…

While working as a GP, I can’t tell you the number of sick notes I had to write for people who were unable to work, because of stress, stress related illness, anxiety and depression resulting from a toxic workplace. But it was a lot.

Bullying, micromanagement, and exhaustion were the common culprits, yet little appeared to taken up by the workplaces involved to address the why and less still on how to prevent these problems.

Happiness at work and workplace wellness are about the health of the workplace environment.

And lets face it, some are not just unhealthy, they are severely toxic.

What does workplace wellness need to include?

•    Creating a fit and healthy brain, optimised to work at its best.

•    Operating your brain in the way it was best designed for.

•     Integrating how we work with others for greater collaboration, support and influence.

Building resilience, fostering positive work relationships and encouraging healthy lifestyle habits contribute towards establishing a brain safe culture – one that enables people to work well.

How healthy is your workplace?                                                                            

What are the rates of absenteeism, presenteeism and staff turnover?

Do you have access to a workplace wellness program that looks after your physical, mental and brain health? 

Toxicity in the workplace is never acceptable. So let’s make a start by identifying the risk factors, dealing with the culprits and developing real organisational health, so we can all get on with working well.

Dr Jenny Brockis

Dr Jenny Brockis is a Board-Certified Lifestyle Medicine Physician, workplace health and wellbeing consultant, author, speaker and coach. Her latest book, The Natural Advantage (Major Street Publishing) is available at all major bookstores and online. Doors open soon for her new coaching program.

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