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Are you firing up or down?

In our technology driven and crazy busy world, does it ever feel that you’re swimming against the tide, that despite striving so hard and for so long you’re not keeping pace with what’s expected of you?

Can you remember a time when you weren’t always so busy, that you felt on top of things and not so darned tired?

If thriving in the 21st century just feels like wishful thinking, what if you could reconnect with that feeling of inspiration, motivation and fulfilment? In my new white paper Fit for the Future I examine the biggest threat to our future success in life and work, (and no, it’s not technology or artificial intelligence) and what we can all do as individuals to start firing up again.

Because what if you had a framework, a system or strategy specific to your needs to enable you operate at your best, consistently?

This isn’t a treatise for outsourcing as in Tim Ferriss’s four-hour week, this is about you identifying what you need to be your best bright-eyed and bushy-tailed self.

This is about staying human, recognising we do so much better when we address our basic physiological and psychological needs. By doing so you create a solid foundation for smarter, sharper thinking so you can get more done, to a higher level and in a shorter period of time. Does that sound a solution you’d be interested to explore? If so, read on.

As a medical practitioner my primary concern has always been to restore others to health and wellbeing. What I’ve come to understand is it’s also vital to sustain health and wellbeing. Sure, it’s important to address those health issues when things go wrong but how much better would it be if you were empowered to know what to do on a regular basis, how to automate those behaviours into powerful positive and healthy habits and boost your confidence, competence and capability?

It begins with the awareness of what you personally need to adapt successfully to the tidal wave of new technology and minimise any associated stress. This is about identifying what you need in terms of sleep, healthy nutrition and exercise.

It’s about being curious to what could be done differently to get a better outcome, challenging existing thought patterns and beliefs and daring to explore.

One of the greatest positive outcomes of the drive to elevate health and wellbeing at work has been the understanding of the importance of human connection and great interpersonal relationships. Think back to a time when you were feeling stuck or unsure what to do next. Did you have a mentor, a coach or a friend who took you in hand and gently encouraged you to step forward? While you can achieve a lot on your own, how much more can you achieve by working well with others; collaborating, sharing ideas and knowledge and learning? This is engagement in action. Success is never a solitary sport, it’s teamwork at its best.

It’s time to play the long game and thrive.

You can download a copy of the white paper, Fit for the Future, here and I’d love to hear your thoughts.

Dr Jenny Brockis

Dr Jenny Brockis is a medical practitioner and board-certified lifestyle medicine physician, workplace health and wellbeing consultant, keynote speaker and best-selling author. Her new book The Natural Advantage (Major Street Publishing) is now available.

One Comment

  • Lindsay McLeod says:

    Hi Jenny.

    A great white paper. Great information which I can understand from experience.

    Jenny, I would like to sent it to all my connections. However, even better I would like to organise a meeting in the new year and invite my and other Rotary Clubs to attend.

    As this Rotary year is nearing an end, if we could arrange it for say February or March it would be great to start the new year with these words of wisdom.

    What do you think?

    Best wishes


    Lindsay McLeod
    Club Development & Membership Director
    Rotary Club of Joondalup

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