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It’s one of the greatest opportunities we have ever had.
A chance to reflect, reconsider and reset what we want for ourselves and our future.

We have endured so much as a result of the global pandemic and there’s still a way to go.
But let’s face it, even before the arrival of the pandemic we weren’t doing so well in the flourishing stakes. Research from the Wellbeing Lab reported only 14.7% of those surveyed in 2019 said they were flourishing, dropping to a pretty woeful 7.4% in 2020.

And yet.
Beyond the fog of uncertainty and the mist of fear, like a giant pink moon illuminating the path ahead, this is the time to think beyond tomorrow and make some different choices.

  • It’s an opportunity for us as humans to get really clear on what’s important and what we can work on collectively for the greater good.
  • It’s an opportunity to redress the inequities in health, education and the workplace.
  • It’s an opportunity to tap into our humanity and choose to develop more kindness, compassion and care.

Recovery is something we do to restore what we have lost.
Recovery is important for security and the economy but without foresight, the risk is, because we are creatures of habit, we will revert to what we have always done. Because it’s familiar, easy and comfortable, even though we may admit deep down it’s not really what we want.

Choosing to thrive is a longer-term approach. However, the positive benefits may start to be felt almost immediately.


What if:

  1. Mental wellbeing was the new norm
  2. Self-care was encouraged and led by example
  3. You felt good about your life and work because you feel safe in any environment and enjoy positive and meaningful relationships.

From what if, to what’s possible.

Putting together a framework to enable you to thrive doesn’t have to be hard, time consuming or expensive.

But it does require curiosity, a willingness to learn and explore and an acceptance that some things might not work out the way you hoped.



Take time out to consider
What do you love about your life?
What do you wish to have more of?
What do you want to see the back of, or to let go of habits that no longer serve?
Who in your world lifts you up?
Who are the toxic relationships to let go of?



Who do you care about and who cares for you?
How do you show love, kindness and compassion to others, and yourself?
How do you maintain connection at a time of lockdown, social isolation, mask-wearing and geographical separation?
Who do you show your appreciation to or express gratitude to?
How do you volunteer your time to help others?


Be self-aware.

If you’re spending all your time in judgement and fear, feeling stressed but stuck, how do you tune into what your body and mind is experiencing?
If anxiety, exhaustion or depression are your constant companions, how is this impacting your thinking, your actions and behaviours?
What have you found helpful to calm down the noisy chatter in your brain and rediscover greater inner peace and calm?
How can you get better at slowing down to notice more?


Stay on purpose.

How do you ensure your actions align with your purpose and core beliefs?
How do you engage with your strengths?
How can you stop stressing about not being sure what your purpose is – because sometimes it takes a while to discover?
How can you find greater meaning in your work and your relationships?


The reason WHY this is so important to address this now is because levels of stress, anxiety, depression and burnout are continuing to rise, despite all the good things we have available to us at our fingertips. Our cleverness doesn’t appear to be extending to remember to include our psychological wellbeing and brain health.

Are you looking for more?

Are you ready to step up and put in place those ways of doing, those useful habits that will enhance your ability to get the most out of what life has to offer?

Are you ready to let go of those negative self-limiting beliefs, worries, frustrations and chronic fatigue?

Because you can.

The findings from the neuroscience, positive psychology and behavioural science have provided us a veritable smorgasbord of possibility. Meaning you can use your brain’s natural plasticity not only to change your mind but to also foster greater wellbeing.

If you’re ready to take up this opportunity. Let’s go!


If learning how to thrive is on your radar for 2021 and beyond, I’m launching a new 8-week online course The Thriving Mind Academy starting May 3rd.

Each week I’ll be taking you through a different topic as a mix of pre-recorded videos, some downloadable pdfs and exercises and a weekly live session to share ideas, thoughts and experiences. It would be great to have you on board.

To find out more simply visit my web page or set up a time to chat.

Enrolments close on the 30th April.


Dr Jenny Brockis is a medical practitioner and board-certified lifestyle medicine physician, keynote speaker and best-selling author. Her new book Thriving Mind: How to Cultivate a Good Life (Wiley) is now available for purchase

If psychological safety, resilience and mental wellbeing is something you’d like to find out more about, please contact me to set up a time for a chat.

Dr Jenny Brockis

Dr Jenny Brockis is a medical practitioner and board-certified lifestyle medicine physician, workplace health and wellbeing consultant, keynote speaker and best-selling author. Her new book The Natural Advantage (Major Street Publishing) is now available.

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