If you’ve ever volunteered your time for a charity bash, donated some money to that good cause or served up a meal to a hungry person, you’ll be familiar with that wonderful feeling of having done something worthwhile, of contributing to something bigger than yourself.
- It makes you feel happy.
- It boosts your mood.
- You’re more generous to others who may also need help of some kind.
- It makes you feel more content and more grateful for what you have.
And there’s one thing that can enhance this positive vibe even more. That’s by coming together as a team to achieve your goal, whether it’s about raising funds or getting to the finish line.
As social beings, we’re hard-wired to connect and form relationships with others and the workplace is the ideal opportunity to make this happen. Add in a common shared goal of supporting a worthy cause while representing your business raises that sense of camaraderie and community like no other. That shared accomplishment leads to the release of oxytocin our bonding molecule and dopamine, the brain’s primary reward neurotransmitter.
Organisations that demonstrate their corporate social responsibility in this way strengthen organisational trust and loyalty.
Sometimes it’s the simplest of activities that pack the biggest punch. Like walking with Coastrek, a national charity hiking challenge for women (though men can join in too) in support of the Heart Foundation. This is about getting involved in something that will raise your own level of health and fitness and deepen those social ties with your team members. Looking out for each other with encouragement and compassion – don’t forget the blister packs!
Having fun while enjoying the great outdoors kicks stress into touch and elevates physical and mental wellbeing and that’s got to be a good thing for all.